1) Christmas event Very close now! It is next Tuesday 8 December, from 1.30, with afternoon tea around 3.00. This afternoon of novelty croquet, a written quiz and finger food will celebrate Christmas approaching, 100 years of the club being on this site, and provide an opportunity to welcome our new members from the past year. There will be a raffle for a meat tray donated by Bayside Meats in Lower Sandy Bay, so bring a few coins along.

2) Assistance Pool Thank you very much to all those members - about a third of the club - who have volunteered to be in the Assistance Pool, available to help with outside hirings and events like Twilight Croquet. By being able to spread the load, we can run these many events without the load falling too heavily on a few.

3) Lawns We have signed an agreement with Alan Smith of Renov8 to look after our lawns for the next three years. They are in great condition now, and we believe this agreement will provide longer term assurance that they will stay that way.

4) Twilight Croquet Your committee has decided to run this popular outreach event again on Wednesday evenings from 13 January until the end of February. It will run from 5.30 to 7.30. Members and Taste of Croquet holders will be free, while others will pay the $5 lawn fee. It’s a great opportunity to introduce your friends to the game.

5) Golf Croquet advanced coaching We will soon run a GC coaching course for more advanced players who wish to sharpen their skills and tactical thinking. More details will be available soon. This will add to the AC and GC coaching currently on for newer members.

6) Fire hazards For our safety, you may notice that we have installed new smoke detectors, a fire extinguisher and a fire blanket. Please be aware of where these are.

7) GC afternoon starting time Our survey revealed that there are equal numbers who like the later start during daylight savings, and who prefer the earlier time. We shall continue with the 1.30 start for this summer, and consider the matter at our AGM in May.

8)  Lawn etiquette A gentle reminder to members that good manners make good playing partners. For example, we should allow the striker to play their shot without the distraction of others walking across their line of play, talking, casting a shadow across the ball or similar. Etiquette is often just the exercise of empathy and common sense.

9) New members Stuart Heathorn and Summa McIntyre have been elected as new members. Welcome to the club!

Tim Sprod, Secretary, Sandy Bay Croquet Club

1) Christmas event Tuesday 8 December, from 1.30, with afternoon tea around 3.00. This Christmas-themed afternoon of novelty croquet, a written quiz and finger food - please bring a plate - will celebrate Christmas approaching, 100 years of the club being on this site, and provide an opportunity to welcome all our new members. More details will be emailed out closer to the date.

2) Garden working bee We will have a blitz on the garden soon. Watch out for your opportunity to be involved.

3) Lawns Many members have been commenting on the improved condition of our lawns, thanks to Alan Smith and Renov8. We are looking to sign a longer term agreement with Alan.

4) Outside events Our U3A course finishes this coming Monday and has been a big success. We have a Healthy Hobart Come-and-Try on Sunday 22 November from 10.00 - 11.30. Bookings are coming in for outside hires in the pre-Christmas period - some during the day. Many thanks to those members who volunteer to make these outreach events so successful. All events should appear on the calendar in the kitchen - it is important that, if you are going to be using one or more of the lawns for any event other than normal social play, you enter it there, so we do not have clashes. As always, we apologise if normal social play is affected. Please note that there are opportunities to shift affected sessions, particularly to Thursday morning.

5) Junior croquet competition Croquet Tasmania is in discussions with the Department of Education about a junior croquet competition. It is likely we would coach students from several nearby schools and then they would compete with other schools. If you would like to be involved, see Garry Forward or me.

6) Club website Occasionally, I overhear comments that something on our website needs updating or changing. If you do notice anything like this, please send me an email. I can’t fix things when I am unaware of them.

7) Buddies for newbies. I am compiling a list of members who would be happy, from time to time, to assist a new member or someone who has taken out a Taste of Croquet package by mentoring them, giving some coaching and generally ensuring they find the club welcoming and accommodating. If you are happy to be on this list, please let me know. On a related matter, I hope all members are familiar with the modified new membership process (Taste of Croquet, cut-rate Novice membership etc - all forms for these are in a black folder on the President’s table) and are actively encouraging others to try our great sport and club.

8) Suggestions for the committee are welcome from all members. If you have any concerns, please talk to a committee member or fill out a suggestion form - also found in the black folder on the President’s table.

 Tim Sprod, Secretary, Sandy Bay Croquet Club

1) Playing Days All sessions remain the same except on Thursdays. Thursday morning is now available to all full members, to play whatever version of croquet they choose. We encourage members to get a group together and use this time. Thursday afternoons will now be for members of the Golf Croquet pennant teams. During daylight saving, afternoon GC sessions will start at 1.30 (draw at 1.20). The time between 12.30 and 1.30 is available for individual practice.

2) Our raffle raised $1408 for the club. Huge congratulations to Anni Morgan, who did the lion’s share of the organizing, and all who helped her or sold tickets.

3) Christmas event Due to pandemic uncertainty, we have decided on a more informal - and flexible - event this year. We are planning a Christmas-themed afternoon of novelty croquet with an afternoon tea and/or drinks. We shall also celebrate 100 years of the club being on this site, and welcome all our new members. Put the date in your diary: Tuesday 8 December, from 1.30. More details will follow closer to the date.

4) The Social sub-committee organizes events like the Christmas one. If you are interested in contributing to the club by joining it, please talk to Anna Majdanska.

5) Outside events The School Holiday program (41 children), and the Seniors Week Come-and-Try (6 adults) were both successful. The U3A course (24 participants) is creating a good deal of excitement, and we have a Healthy Hobart Come-and-Try in November. Bookings are coming in for outside hires in the pre-Christmas period. Many thanks to those members who volunteer to make these outreach events so successful. All events should appear on the calendar in the kitchen - it is important if you are organizing an event to enter it there, so we do not have clashes.

6) Club Championships Covid developments allowing, we are aiming at holding the GC club championships between 20 January and 10 February, and the AC events in April, next year.

7) Pennants The GC pennant has started and will finish on Thursday 26 November. We thank you for your understanding when social play is affected by home games.

8) Opening Day was a great success, with the Lord Mayor running the first hoop to start the new season. If you would like to have a socially-distanced photo from the event, please contact Alicia Groves.

9) Defibrillator. It is important that members are familiar with this equipment, kept in the kitchen. There is a DVD in the box for members to learn - or refresh on - how to use it. Feel free to borrow it. If there is interest, we could hold a screening in the clubhouse - tell me if you would like to attend.

Tim Sprod, Secretary, Sandy Bay Croquet Club

1) Opening Day Our Lord Mayor will be running the first hoop at the season’s Opening Day, on Saturday 12 September. Please arrive at the club at around 10.30, dressed in club colours of white and red if at all possible, and sign in. The formalities - including the raffle draw - will be at 11.00, followed by our traditional morning tea and optional social play. We have confirmed with the Department of Health that we can ask members to bring a plate for the morning tea, though the food will need to be served to members, and we will have to abide by the Covid-19 social distancing and hygiene rules. A request for offers to bring something for morning tea will be circulated soon.

2) The Tasmanian Women’s Open GC Champion for 2020 is our very own Yvonne Shaw. Congratulations, Yvonne!

3) Raffle tickets are still being sold up until the Opening Day, when the prizes will be drawn. Please ensure that any books (and money) you have are returned to the club by Friday 11 September, so that the stubs can be added to the pool.

4) Outreach events that are coming up include our School Holiday program (29 Sept - 2 Oct, 10.30 - 12.00), the Seniors Week Come-and-Try (Monday 12 October, 10.30 - 1.00), a Healthy Hobart Come-and-Try (Sunday 22 Nov, 10 - 11.30 and a U3A six week course (six weeks on Mondays, 3.30 - 5.30 from 5 October). Running these events requires some members to volunteer their services, so I ask you to consider what you can contribute and to contact me. We recognise these impact on social play. We try to minimise this, and thank you for your understanding when clashes are unavoidable. Note that all future events ought to be on the calendar in the kitchen and (when closer) on the Lawns whiteboard.

5) Pennants The AC pennant is underway, and will affect social play on four days (Thurs 10, Tues 15, Thurs 17 and Tues 22 September). The GC pennant will commence on Tues 13 October and finish on Thurs 26 November. Enter your name on the noticeboard if you want to be involved. Again, we thank you for your understanding when social play is affected.

6) New members Please remember that, after a free Come and Try session, prospective members can buy a Taste of Croquet package ($20 for one month, $50 for three). During this time, they can fill in an application for membership, supported by two members, to be considered by the committee. Taste and Application forms can be found in a folder on the President’s table. During social play, always ensure the Come and Try flag is flying.

7) Clubhouse supplies If you notice that we are running short of milk, please get another carton from the Newsagent, and add it to the Club’s tab. We do not seem to be using as much milk at present, so a litre carton is sufficient. Please try to get a carton with a long use by date.

8) Coaching. If you are an experienced player, please consider passing on your knowledge though becoming a qualified coach. Talk to me if you are interested.

Tim Sprod, Secretary, Sandy Bay Croquet Club

1) Committee responsibilities The following committee members are now responsible for these areas: Games - Yvonne Shaw; House - Anna Majdanska; Lawns and Handicaps - Graham Keating; Maintenance - Brian Stafford; Promotions - Alicia Groves; Garden - Anni Morgan; Coaching and Website - Tim Sprod. Of course, each of area does rely on input from other club members, so please pitch in where you can.  A big thank you to Carol Hanigan (House) and Anita Bayley (Garden) for their excellent previous work.

2) Opening Day and Clean Up Day Our Lord Mayor has accepted our invitation to run the first hoop at Opening Day, on Saturday 12 September from 10.30. To prepare the club after winter, we will be holding the annual Clean Up Day on Saturday 22 August. Please watch out for how you can help.

3) Raffle tickets are still being sold up until the Opening Day, when the prizes will be drawn. We value your efforts here. Our thanks to the local businesses who have offered prizes. Please support them as they have supported us.

4) Outreach events We need to increase our membership and broaden our appeal. Some events we are planning include a School Holiday program (29 Sept - 2 Oct, 10.30 - 12.00), a Healthy Hobart Come-and-Try (Sunday 22 Nov, 10 - 11.30) and possibly a U3A six week course (dates and times TBC). We recognise that these can impact on social play. We try to minimise this, and thank you for your understanding when clashes are unavoidable. Note that all future events ought to be on the calendar in the kitchen and (when closer) on the Lawns whiteboard.

5) Constitution and By-laws Following the amendments at the AGM, we are revising the club By-laws and modifying content on our website. If you notice anything that needs to be altered, please talk to me.

6) New members The club always needs to recruit new members. You can help: spread the word amongst friends and acquaintances, always ensure the Come and Try flag is out during social play, and become familiar with the new process for joining. After a free Come and Try session, prospective members can buy a Taste of Croquet package ($20 for one month, $50 for three). During this, they can fill in an application for membership, supported by two members, to be considered by the committee. Taste and Application forms can be found on the noticeboard.

7) Inclusive play Random draws ensure members can play with all other members at some time. “Tweaking” the draw ought to be minimal. Be aware that members may at any time practice on a lawn if it is not in use by social players, and choose not to be included in the draw.

8) Grant applications We are preparing applications for several grant programs, aimed at improving facilities at the club.

Tim Sprod, Secretary, Sandy Bay Croquet Club

Tasmanian Croquet Venues

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