JUNE 2024 Monthly Memo

We welcome Arthur Lathouris and Steve Andrewartha to the committee and welcome back Liz Madden

Dates for you to diarise!

  • Grandparents Day 10th July 12.45pm
  • Healthy Tasmania 8th September 10-11.30
  • Celebratory Club Day 14th September
  • SBCC Bunnings BBQ - Saturday 7th December - looking to volunteers - talk to Marg Jennings or Ann Murray

Please remember your Committee welcomes suggestions of a substantive nature and queries can be directed to the committee members at any time. We welcome your input and assistance in all club matters.                 

APRIL 2024 Monthly Memo

 We have had many comments from players, officials and visitors regarding our wonderful club. With interstate competitors praising our lawns as the best they had played on in Australia. Thank you again to all who contributed to the successful Eire Cup and Medals Competitions. You all did our Club proud.

Dates for you to diarise!

  • GC Pennant some Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays – keep an eye on the whiteboard
  • New Members Welcome evening - Wednesday 10th April 5pm
  • GC Handicap Singles and AC Club Championships to be held in April
  • ACA GC Bronze Medal at SBCC 10-12 May – entries are by invitation of the GC Selectors
  • AGM - Saturday 18th May 10am
  • Friends School – 29th and 31st May – small groups coming to play 11.45-12.45
  • Healthy Tasmania 8th September 10-11.30
  • SBCC Bunnings BBQ - Saturday 7th December - looking to volunteers - talk to Marg Jennings or Ann Murray

 Please remember your Committee welcomes suggestions of a substantive nature and queries can be directed to the committee members at any time. We welcome your input and assistance in all club matters.                 

 MARCH 2024 Monthly Memo

GC Singles Handicap will be played as Advantage Play in April, as will the AC Club Championships. Keep an eye out for details. 



Dates for you to diarise!

  • GC Pennant starts 26 March, with games on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Keep an eye on the lawns whiteboard for information on when the lawns will be used for Pennant matches.
  • GC Handicap Singles and AC Club Championships to be held in April
  • New Members Welcome evening - Wednesday 10th April 5pm. RSVP on the sheet on the noticeboard.
  • AGM - Saturday 18th May 10am
  • Outside bookings 19th March, 11.20-12.20, and 22nd March 6-8pm – can you help? Talk to Ann Murray
  • SBCC Bunnings BBQ - Saturday 7th December - looking to volunteers - talk to Marg Jennings or Ann Murray

Please remember your Committee welcomes suggestions of a substantive nature and queries can be directed to the committee members at any time. We welcome your assistance in all club matters. 



FEBRUARY 2024 Monthly Memo

 Congratulations to Ben King who is the new Club Champion and runner up Graham Keating  

Congratulations to Guna Ginneliya C Division Champion and runners up Shane Madden and Summa McIntyre B Division Championship and the Rene Hortle will be held 23-25th February



As SBCC is the host club for an Australia wide event we will require lots of help to ensure that Sandy Bay is the talk of the nation! Carol Hanigan is working on the ‘House’ side of things and would love to have as many hands helping out – Carol will have a schedule out very soon.

There will also be help needed in hoop setting, leaf blowing, setting up etc. Please help out where you can when the schedule is emailed out.

 Michael B is working on updating our lawn flags, Rod C and Chris G have made circle barriers to cover the protruding bolts in the shelter shed. Great examples of noticing a job that needs doing and just getting on with it.  

 Hoop Setting – Tony VdeV is doing a great job in moving hoops. He is trying to keep the central area for the Eire Cup and the 2 side settings for pennant and social. Don’t forget to use a fork and repair any lawn damage you see.


Dates for you to diarise!

·         Clean Up Day - Saturday 2nd March 10am followed by a thank you BBQ

·         Late March GC Pennant starts – dates to be advised

·         GC Handicap Singles and AC Club Championships to be held in April

·         New Members Welcome evening - Wednesday 10th April 5pm

·         AGM - Saturday 18th May 10am

·         Outside booking 22nd March 6pm – can you help? Talk to Ann Murray

·         SBCC Bunnings BBQ - Saturday 7th December - looking to volunteers - talk to Marg Jennings or Ann Murray

Please remember your Committee welcomes suggestions of a substantive nature and queries can be directed to the committee members at any time. We welcome your input and assistance in all club matters.                                                                                                                    

Minutes from Committee Meetings and Financial Reports are available for you to read. Find them in a folder on the President’s Desk

December 2023 Monthly Memo  

CT GC Divisional Singles Div 3 Winner Rod Chisholm and Div 4 Winner Ian Murray

GC Spring Pennant SB won Div 2, SB Red won Div 3 with SB White runners up. SB came 3rd in Div 1.

Australian Open Singles Callum Hyland reached the semi-finals & finished 3rd & came 4th in the Aus AC Open doubles

CT Teams Championships The southern team of which 2 were from SB, Yvonne Shaw and Graham Keating, convincingly won from the North & North West teams.

2024 – A very busy start to the year

Expressions of Interest Forms will be placed on the notice board in January


Monthly Memo – Major points from the Committee Meeting 6th November 2023 

Garden Working Bee November 25th
Christmas Lunch December 13th
Maintenance working Bee TBA
Hoop Setting course TBA
Tim’s tactics Workshop – January TBA
Defibrillator  - how to use – demonstration by St Johns in February TBA

Please remember your Committee welcomes suggestions of a substantive nature and queries can be directed to the committee members at any time. We welcome your input and assistance in all club matters.                 


Monthly Memo – Major points from the Committee Meeting 3rd October 2023 

AC Medals are at SBCC 20th  -22nd Oct
Monday the 16th 10am-12pm is our day for Seniors Week. Please make anyone who comes along feel welcome. 

Don’t forget the Committee welcomes suggestions of a substantive nature and queries can be directed to the committee members at any time. We welcome your input and assistance in all club matters.                 


Monthly Memo – Major points from the Committee Meeting 5th September 

We would normally ask that once new members are elected the 2 supporters of the application for membership show the new member around and teach them the art of croquet but as these newbies have been playing already we don’t need that support in place but do please make them welcome.


GC Spring Pennant: Don’t forget to put your name down by the 15thSeptember. 
Pennant runs from 10th October for 6 weeks
Special event: Women’s Only Club Tournament Saturday 16th and 23rdSeptember
Kaye’s coaching & rules session 7th October
AC Medals – we are one of the 3 clubs hosting from 20th – 22nd October

Don’t forget the Committee welcomes suggestions of a substantive nature and queries can be directed to the committee members at any time. We welcome your input and assistance in all club matters.                 

Monthly Memo – Major points from the Committee Meeting 1st August
• Membership Renewals – Renewal is due by 31st August.

• AC Hi Lo - is on from 11th-13th August. Lawns will not be available at this time. The House Committee convener, Carol, welcomes any input from you for the smooth running of this event.

• Annual Maintenance Day – PLEASE come and help out on the 19th August from 9.30am
(BBQ Lunch and drinks will be supplied). There are still a few empty spots on the allocated jobs list. These tasks can be completed on or before the 19th August. There are usually a few other jobs that aren’t on the list to be done on the day. Sadly no-one adopted a shelter shed
• Annual Opening day - this year it is to be August 26th. Members are invited to arrive around 10.30am with the official running of the first hoop of the season at 11am. Followed by morning tea. If possible, could you all please bring a plate of delicious nibbles to grace our table?
• Coaching and Rules Session – Kaye is running a coaching session on Saturday 7th October at 10am. Mainly for new members but all are welcome. This will be followed by a rules session at 11am. This will benefit all members.
• Sponsorship – In response to the last memo when I suggested that we all look to find sponsors for the Club, Rod Chisholm received a $200 donation from Brock Plaster. Thanks go out not only to Brock Plaster but to Rod for securing these funds. Ask Rod for details of this company.

• Grant Received – Thanks to an initiative of Lyn Chisholm in contacting Elise Archer MP, we are excited to announce that we received funds from the Premiers Discretionary Fund to cover the cost in purchasing new balls which will be used when we are the host Club for the Eire Cup in March 2024. The lawns will be unavailable 3rd - 17th March 2024.

• Bookings – We have several days when School groups are coming to play croquet.
12th Sept 9.30-11am – Hobart College. To be advised for next week Hutchins School
And Seniors Week 16th October 10am
These sessions are valuable sources of revenue for the Club. We are sorry for the inconvenience but always endeavor to leave 1 lawn available for social play.

• Lawn Barriers – Please make sure you put the barriers back in place and put the metal holder over the pipe. This will not only protect the playing surface but also keep the barriers from having a life of their own!

Recent Events – Congratulations to Bronze Medal winner Ian Murray and runner up Liz Madden. And to Jane Hyland who was runner up in the Gold Medal.
Also congratulations to club member Callum Hyland who competed in the WCF AC World Championship held in the UK- 80 competitors – Callum reached the semi-finals of the plate event (came 35th) For those who know Callum you will be amused to know that he managed to bypass the strict Hurlingham "white's only" dress code by donning his favourite pants over his whites, as rain pants when the drizzle started!

Monthly Memo – Major points from the Committee Meeting 4th July

We wish them all the best for a fantastic competition.

Full Minutes from Committee Meetings and Financial Reports are available for you to read.

Find them in a folder on the President’s Desk

Tasmanian Croquet Venues

Copyright Croquet Tasmania 2025.