Croquet Tasmania  - By-laws - Sep 2022 (Amended Mar 2023)

Downloadable version of the By-laws


These by-laws are created by the Croquet Tasmania Executive through the power granted them by rule 19 (2) (e) of the Croquet Tasmania Constitution, viz:


  1. The Association shall be managed by an Executive in accordance with directions of any general meeting of Member Clubs.
  2. The Executive shall:
    • administer and manage the business and affairs of the Association;
    • appoint committees (other than the selection committees) and individuals to undertake various functions required for the efficient operations of the Association;
    • may exercise all such powers and functions as may be exercised by the Association, other than those powers and functions that are required by these rules to be exercised by general meetings of the Association;
    • subject to these rules, have power to perform all such acts and things as appear to the Executive to be essential for the proper management of the business and affairs of the Association; and
    • have power to make, repeal or amend any by-laws, consistent with these rules, which it deems necessary for the conduct of its business.

Croquet Tasmania (hereinafter referred to as “CT”) is the registered Business Name of the Tasmanian Croquet Association Incorporated. In these Bylaws references to “CT”, “TCA” and “the Association” are synonymous.


The Executive shall ensure that the following committees are established annually:

  1. Competitions Committee; and
  2. Selection Committees.

The Executive shall appoint persons to the following positions:

  1. Directors of both AC and GC Coaching;
  2. Directors of both AC and GC Refereeing;
  3. Publicity Officer;
  4. Web Officer;
  5. State Handicapper;
  6. Constitution Officer; and
  7. Selection Committees for AC and GC state teams.

Each club shall appoint the following to meet its obligations under these by-laws:

  1. members of the Competitions Committee;
  2. a liaison person for CT events allocated to that club; and
  3. members of the Regional Committees.



  1. The responsibility of the President is to overview the management and administrative operation of CT and to provide leadership and support to all its members. The President may do this through sound leadership and effective communication.
  2. The President should have a solid background in human relationships and management, together with significant experience in Croquet activities.
  3. The image of CT is often represented through the President and whenever representing CT, the President should aim for the highest levels of efficiency, together with sound ethical and moral standards.
  4. The President plays a crucial role in ensuring the ongoing good governance of CT.
  5. The President should ensure that the Committee is well balanced and has a good cross section of relevant skills.


  1. Be fair and reasonable and show consideration and understanding towards the feelings, hopes and expectations of everyone involved in CT;
  2. Be unbiased and impartial, give clear direction and set an example for others to follow;
  3. Be an effective and efficient chairperson, encourage focused discussion and have a sound knowledge of debating and meeting procedures;
  4. Represent CT at a national level in a positive and professional manner;
  5. Be well informed of all CT activities;
  6. Ensure that responsibilities delegated to the Committee and various office bearers are widely communicated, understood and followed through;
  7. Have a sound understanding of CT rules, the constitution and the responsibilities and duties of office bearers and sub-committees;
  8. Ensure that CT’s financial management procedures remain on target;
  9. Maintain an overview of CT’s strategic planning process;
  10. Always ensure the management of CT remains positive and progressive and the objects and aims of CT are respected and observed;
  11. Be prepared to make difficult decisions on behalf of CT if necessary;
  12. Insist on all members respecting and abiding by the Association’s discipline provisions; and
  13. Manage all executive, special and committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting.



  1. The Secretary is responsible for the efficient management, coordination, communication and smooth running of all administrative tasks undertaken by CT.
  2. The Secretary is a key office bearer and is the focus of all communication and activities that involve CT Committee, sub-committees, officials and all members of CT. In addition, through proper record keeping and the handling of CT correspondence, the Secretary shall ensure the existence of a record of CT operations and the associated decision-making processes.
  3. The Secretary must have a sound knowledge of sport in general and croquet in particular, together with some background on local issues and meetings procedures.


  1. Provide an open communication link between the Committee, sub- committees and member clubs and players; 
  2. Clear the mailbox regularly so that correspondence can be distributed and dealt with at meetings;
  3. Record all inward and outward correspondence and acknowledge where necessary;
  4. Prepare agendas, reports and papers for all Committee meetings;
  5. Take minutes at all Committee meetings and at the AGM;
  6. Communicate all matters of importance from the ACA to the Committee and members;
  7. Maintain a sound knowledge of National and State rules and regulations;
  8. Maintain confidentiality on relevant and delicate matters;
  9. Have a good working knowledge of meeting procedures;
  10. Have a good understanding of the constitution, by-laws and regulations and responsibilities of all office bearers;
  11. Be aware of the future directions and plans of members;
  12. Co-operate with and assist the Committee and other office bearers with their duties and responsibilities;
  13. Manage CT’s strategic planning process;
  14. Support and encourage all members to respect and support the National Code of Conduct;
  15. Maintain CT administration records - correspondence, financial records, minutes, competition details, staff records etc.;
  16. Support all media, promotion, marketing and sponsorship activities;
  17. Pass relevant information on to the Web Officer for updating to CT website;
  18. Act as CT’s Public Officer; and
  19. Be responsible for CTs Perpetual trophies.



  1. The role of the Treasurer is to be responsible for the financial supervision and performance of CT. The Treasurer is required to regularly report on CTs financial status to the committee to inform decision-making, mitigate financial risk, and ensure transparency for members.
  2. It is noted that the Treasurer is ideally placed to fill the roles of Registrar and Recorder (position description follows) as he/she will have all the information readily available to maintain a suitable database.


  1. Coordinate the preparation of the annual budget for the forthcoming year, describing potential sources of income and expenditure, and present this to the committee for approval;
  2. Maintain up to date records of all income and expenditure over the course of the year;
  3. Manage CTs cash flow including issuing receipts, depositing all monies received in CTs bank account and approving payments promptly;
  4. Prepare and distribute invoices/accounts for services rendered, including annual subscriptions and affiliation fee accounts;
  5. Provide a financial report at each committee meeting to support strategic planning and decision-making;
  6. Submit tax returns and income tax payments for any paid employees as required;
  7. Manage employee payrolls if required;
  8. Report financial activities to the membership at the AGM;
  9. Function as a signatory on CTs bank accounts, cheque accounts, and investment and loan facilities together with at least one other member of the Executive;
  10. Function as signatory in a sole capacity on any limited bank account set up by the Executive for the purpose of prompt payment of minor accounts;
  11. Be fully informed about the financial position of CT at all times;
  12. Prepare financial accounts for annual or more frequent auditing, and provide the auditor with information as required;
  13. Acquit funds received from government grants and submit the necessary financial statements where requested;
  14. Prepare all necessary financial statements for inclusion in the annual report;
  15. Work with the Secretary and Registrar to keep accurate record of all membership payments; and
  16. Complete appropriate documentation to ensure insurance coverage is in place.


The person appointed to the position of Treasurer should have the following attributes:

  1. Financial background and awareness of accounting procedures;
  2. Good communication skills, including written and oral;
  3. Honesty and trustworthiness;
  4. Ability to keep accurate records;
  5. Strong attention to detail;
  6. Ability to allocate regular time periods to maintain the books;
  7. Well-developed decision-making skills; and
  8. Experience with planning and operations.


The Registrar is responsible for coordinating all Member and player registrations.


The primary responsibilities for the role of Registrar are:

  1. With the Executive, prepare all marketing and promotion material regarding player registration;
  2. Manage and coordinate all player registrations;
  3. Allot Australian Handicap System Identity Numbers (AHS ID) to each registrant;
  4. Communicate with all members and potential members about the required documents needed to register with CT;
  5. Liaise and follow up with members about any missing paperwork;
  6. Liaise and report to the Australian Croquet Association (ACA) about player registration as required;
  7. Manage and maintain CTs membership database; and
  8. Report to the Executive regarding player registrations, as required.


The Recorder is responsible for maintaining records of the handicaps and indices of affiliated members.


The primary responsibilities of the Recorder are:

  1. Maintain up to date records of the handicaps and indices of affiliated members;
  2. Design and make available to clubs and tournament managers appropriate forms for reporting handicap and index changes;
  3. Keep the AC and GC State Handicappers apprised of changes of handicaps and indices on a regular basis.


The Competition Convenor shall keep minutes of all meetings (including proposed competition dates and venues) and forward copies to the Secretary for circulation to clubs and the Executive as soon as possible after each meeting.

The Competition Convenor shall be responsible for issuing to the organising club an Event Pack including: 

  1. Tournament Conditions; 
  2. Tournament Manager checklists; 
  3. Entry Conditions flyer; 
  4.  Handicap checklist; and 
  5. Tournament details for posting on the web.


  1. The Competitions Committee shall consist of the Competitions Convenor and either: 
    • two representatives of each club, one for Association Croquet (AC), and one for Golf Croquet (GC); or 
    • a single representative, able to deal with both AC and GC.  
  2. While it is expected that the club representatives will serve for an entire season, the club may substitute or replace their representative(s) by giving notice to the Competitions Convenor.
  3. If a club representative is unable to attend a meeting of the Competitions Committee, the club concerned may appoint another member to attend in their place. 
  4. The Competitions Committee shall meet within 30 days of the appointment of the Competitions Convenor. 
  5. The Competitions Committee shall consider the recommendations of the managers of competitions held in the previous season and any resolutions concerning tournaments and competitions carried at the meetings of CT or the Executive held throughout the year. 
  6. The Competitions Committee shall review the Conditions for Competitions used previously and recommend any proposed changes to the CT Executive. 
  7. In preparing its program the Competitions Committee should ensure that CT events do not clash with ACA events and allow for club events (although these should not take precedence over CT events). 
  8. When the Competitions Committee has completed its draft program of events the Competitions Convenor should submit it to the Executive for approval.
  9. On receipt of approval of the program from the CT Executive the Competitions Committee shall allocate competitions to clubs and acquaint them with their responsibilities.
  10. The Competitions Committee shall meet to consider and decide any matters of immediate concern relating to tournaments and competitions that are referred to it by the Executive. 



Tournament managers shall act in accordance with the Regulations for Tournaments’ as prescribed by the ACA.


Tournament managers shall:

  1. prepare the draw after receiving the names of competitors; conduct the draw in accordance with the Laws Book and any Rules prescribed by CT;
  2. prepare copies for each competitor and the CT Secretary; and
  3. update details on the Croquet Scores website.

Tournament managers shall prepare the daily programme and at the same time: 

  1. be as helpful and considerate to players as possible, but be completely impartial;
  2. consider the difficulties of competitors getting to the lawns for the first match of the day;  
  3. keep lawns used as efficiently as possible;
  4. adhere to the format and conditions established by CT for the event;
  5. if possible, meet any special exemptions sought by competitors;
  6. organise presentations, functions, engraving of perpetual trophies and the purchase of any prizes (if required); and 
  7. claim any expenses for each event from the CT Treasurer.


The CT Executive shall appoint a Planning Committee Chair at least 2 years prior to the event. The Chair will co-opt others to the committee. Additionally, each club in the area in which the event is to be held will need to provide a member to the committee and function as a liaison between the Planning Committee and their club.

The first meeting of the Planning Committee should:

  1. be held within 3 months of appointment of the Chair;
  2. nominate a Tournament Manager who will be a member of the Committee after endorsement by the Executive and Croquet Australia (ACA); and
  3. appoint a person(s) who will be responsible for local sponsorship and publicity.

The Tournament Referee shall be nominated by the CT Director of Refereeing (and in turn by ACA) at least six months prior to the Championships and should attend all subsequent Committee meetings.

Regarding finance, the Committee shall: 

    1. establish guidelines for the Treasurer; and 
    2. inform the clubs of their financial responsibilities and any expectations of grants which could be available from Government sources, sponsorship, or other monies.



  1. The Publicity Officer should have a good knowledge of the workings of various elements of the media and the ability to present CT in the best possible light.
  2. Media contacts include television, radio and newspaper, and more recent technologies allow the Publicity Officer to consider Internet communications for operations. 
  3. It is important that the incumbent develops and maintains close contact with representatives of all local media and the Department of Communities Tasmania.
  4. Duties of the Publicity Officer include development of media releases and communicating newsworthy items to various media contacts. 
  5. The Publicity Officer should have a sound understanding of on-going and future CT activities.


  1. Develop and implement a public relations plan that will better market and promote CT;
  2. Write and issue regular media releases concerning upcoming events, interesting personalities and CT activities and achievements;
  3. Assist in the preparation and publication of CT newsletters;
  4. Act as a liaison officer for the media at all CT events and functions;
  5. Develop and maintain a close working relationship with all local media personnel;
  6. Constantly promote the positive aspects of CT’s activities, always highlighting CT’s support of the ACA National Code of Conduct;
  7. Keep the Secretary and Committee informed of all media activities;
  8. Ensure that the CT’s sponsors receive maximum exposure in all spheres;
  9. Assist with obtaining sponsorship for CT;  
  10. Develop programs for the recruitment and retention of financial supporters of CT;
  11. Arrange for sponsor’s advertising in CT’s newsletter/ magazine/ match day program;
  12. Create a positive public awareness of CT and its activities;
  13. Publicise and promote all events, programs and competitions within Tasmania; and
  14. Liaise with the Web Officer to ensure that CT website remains informative and is regularly updated and that fixtures, results and tables etc are always up to date.



The principles embodied in these by-laws regarding selection committees are:

  1. Rules governing Association and Golf croquet selection should be the same unless dictated by the different nature of the games themselves, or the events for which players are being selected.
  2. Selection committees should be seen to be free of potential conflicts of interest; for example, where members select themselves or each other. 
  3. There should be a generally accepted process that selection committees will follow.
  4. Players have a right to put their names in front of selectors, and the right to appeal should they not be selected.


  1. There shall be separate selection committees for Association Croquet and for Golf Croquet.
  2. Each selection committee shall consist of three voting members. It is highly desirable that all members have previous experience playing in the team for which they are a selector. 
  3. The CT Executive shall appoint selection committees no later than 60 days after the previous year’s team has competed. The committees will be responsible for selecting the next team to represent Tasmania in that event.
  4. While it is highly desirable that there be a substantial degree of continuity of tenure, no person may be appointed as a member of a selection committee for more than three consecutive years.
  5. The captain of the previous year’s team is to be an ex officio (non-voting) member of the selection committee.
  6. The names of current members of each selection committee shall be published on CT’s website.
  7. Each committee shall:
    • Meet within one month after appointment to elect a chairperson and a selection committee secretary;
    • Appoint a qualified and accredited coach, who is responsible for and conducts squad-training sessions and who is to be an ex officio (non-voting) member of the selection committee (any proposal to appoint a non-accredited coach should be referred to the CT Executive for ratification or otherwise);
    • Meet as necessary, at properly convened meetings, and, unless in an emergency, with agendas circulated to each member; minutes are to be kept but, remain confidential;
    • Maintain the confidentiality of the outcomes of each meeting; and
    • Determine and, through the CT Secretary, publish on CT’s website key dates in their decision-making process including key selection events.
  8. The selection process should broadly follow the following guidelines:
    • Review the previous year’s team’s performance;
    • Advise potential team members that they must/should enter certain events;
    • Advise the approximate date that the state team will be chosen;
    • Adopt a process to determine who wishes to make themselves available to be considered for selection;
    • Choose a state team squad (and development squads, north and south if enough interest).
    • Add players to or remove them from a squad if the need arises;
    • Select team players of up to five men and five women and appoint a manager if appropriate; and
    • Appointment of a Captain and Vice-Captain.
  9. Advise all squad members the names of those chosen for inclusion in the team and draw the attention of all squad members to the Appeals Process in Bylaws 13.3 and 14.2.
  10. When team selection, including the settlement of any appeals, has been finalised, forward details of the team to the Secretary who will send invitations to the players to join the team advise ACA the names of members of the team and arrange for publication of team members’ names on the CT website.
  11. A selection committee member with a conflict of interest may be required to leave the meeting while any issues involving the said conflict of interest are discussed.
  12. The selection committee has the power to co-opt additional members should more than one member at a time withdraw because of a potential conflict of interest.
  13. Selected players should be strongly encouraged to undertake the procedure to become a qualified, accredited referee prior to interstate events.
  14. The Captain should submit a formal report to the Secretary at the conclusion of the event.


Should any member be aggrieved at not being selected for inclusion in a team the Appeal Process shall follow the form set out in 14.2.



  1. Each selection committee is responsible for selecting the players to be invited to play in these events.
  2. The CT Secretary is responsible for issuing the invitations.
  3. Each Selection Committee shall appoint a manager for these events.
  4. As far as possible, each Bronze Medal competition shall be conducted in the same format as the Gold Medal event for which it is a qualifier. 


  1. The principles of natural justice dictate that everyone should have the right to appeal against a decision that affects them.
  2. The appeal process should be informal in the initial stages but allow for a more formal process should a player wish it.
  3. Only players who believe they should have been selected can appeal. The grounds for an appeal are limited to the following:
    • The selectors did not follow the procedures laid out in the policies, rules, regulations and/or criteria of CT. Minor variations or discrepancies shall not constitute grounds for an appeal.
    • There was an error in the information on which the decision was based.
    • Members of the selection committee were influenced by bias.
    • The decision reached was grossly unfair or unreasonable.
  4. A player may within 1 week of the squad/team being published, ask the selection committee chair for a verbal explanation of their non-selection. The chair may delegate that response to another selector if thought appropriate. If the player is satisfied (or at least accepting) with the reasons given, the matter ends there.
  5. If a player is unsatisfied, then within 2 weeks of publication, the player can ask for a formal review. The chair must provide a written reason for the decision within 7 days of receipt and appoint a 3-person panel to review the decision plus a date when the panel is to convene. Panel members must not be selectors, should preferably be people with previous team membership or persons of similar standing. If the appeal is a process issue, it is desirable that one member have legal experience. The CT Executive may ask the appellant to lodge the expected cost of any appeal meeting.
  6. The player has the option to accept the written reason and the earlier decision or can decide to appear in person and/or submit written statements in support of their appeal. These statements can be personal, or from other persons including legal representatives, but these other persons cannot appear before the review panel.
  7. Following the review meeting, the panel may decide to dismiss the appeal, or find grounds to request the original selection committee to review their earlier decision. If such a request is made, the review panel must state why they think a review is required. Notwithstanding the panel findings, if in the view of the panel the appeal merits it, any costs by the appellant shall be refunded.
  8. If requested, the selection committee should review their decision and, at their discretion, confirm their earlier decision, or change it. This decision is final.
  9. Clearly if a decision is changed, other appeals may flow from this. 


  1. Geographical divisions within the State are hereby established for the purposes of administration and management of local Tournaments and Pennants.
  2. Initially two divisions are established based on areas north and south of the 42 degrees south parallel, each division shall be administered by a committee elected/appointed as set out hereunder.
  3. The Regional Committees shall be styled the “Croquet Tasmania Northern Competitions Committee” and the “Croquet Tasmania Southern Competitions Committee”.
  4. The secretary of Croquet Tasmania prior to the holding of its Annual General Meeting shall request each club located in a Division to nominate a member or members to serve on the relevant Regional Committee.
  5. The appointment of the nominees is to be confirmed at the Annual General Meeting.
  6. Each Regional Committee should meet within a month of the Annual General Meeting for the purposes of appointing a Chair, defining their areas of responsibility, the procedures for the handling of monies and establishing a schedule of meetings for the ensuing year.
  7. Committee Members serve until the next Annual General Meeting unless they resign beforehand in which case the Club that the retiring Member represented shall nominate a replacement and notify the Secretary of Croquet Tasmania of the new appointment.
  8. The Chair of each Regional Committee shall submit a report to the Annual General Meeting of the Committee’s activities in the previous twelve months.



  1. Ideally the Director of Coaching should cover both AC and GC disciplines. However, individual directors may be appointed if considered appropriate.
  2. The director(s) should be aware of the need to foster and encourage playing of croquet throughout Tasmania by way of ensuring that WCF Rules (including ACA approved variations) are used for competition and that coaches are available to develop players skills.


In the field of direct coaching, the Director of Coaching is responsible for:

  1. the training of coaches;
  2. the development of coaching techniques and standards;
  3. the coaching of players; and
  4. the appointment and/or training of specific course coordinators and presenters to conduct or assist in conducting ACA coaching courses.

In planning, the Director of Coaching shall:

  1. prepare an annual programme of coach training courses and player coaching courses; and
  2. organise sufficient updating activities each year so that accredited coaches can maintain their level of accreditation.

Regarding the ACA, the Director of Coaching shall:

  1. represent Tasmania as a member of the ACA Coaching Committee;
  2. assist in the coordination of the National Coach Training Programme and player coaching courses, and with the ACA 5-year Development Plan;
  3. register coaches who have satisfactorily completed the various levels of ACA coach training courses
  4. maintain a direct liaison with the National Director of Coaching and with counterparts in the other states as required;
  5. submit an annual report of the state’s coaching activities in time for the ACA’s AGM; and 
  6. report on any relevant state matters.

In general, the Director of Coaching shall:

  1. act as a focal point for all coaching matters within Tasmania;
  2. maintain a register of all accredited coaches; and
  3. submit a report to the Executive as required. 



There shall be a Director of Refereeing for both AC and GC.


Each of the state directors of refereeing shall in their respective areas: 

  1. be a qualified and accredited referee; 
  2. chair their respective referees committee (if any);
  3. recommend to the Executive the appointment of persons to conduct examinations of members wishing to qualify as referees - such persons to be known as State Examining Referees AC or State Examining Referee GC;
  4. supervise the duties of the state examining referees and make recommendations to the Executive on the appointment of such referees);
  5. keep records of referees, umpires, and examinations, including a referee and umpire register,
  6. appoint tournament referees as required for State Open and Medal events and the ACA Bronze Medal events.
  7. organise/conduct appropriate training and refresher courses and arrange finance with the agreement of the Executive:
  8. keep referees and umpires up to date with law decisions and amendments, new interpretations of laws, regulations and developments, etc;
  9. advise the National Director of Refereeing (AC) or the National Director of Refereeing (GC) of changes needed to the referee examination;
  10. ensure there are sufficient examining referees, attention being given to the appointment of referees in all areas of the State;
  11. make approaches to each club without a qualified referee, with advice and assistance to interested members considering referee and umpire qualifications;
  12. recommend to the Executive the reimbursement of expenses to referees conducting training courses for potential referees and umpires, refresher courses for referees and umpires, introductory Laws classes or examination of potential referees and umpires; and
  13. Report to the Executive annually.



This officer is to maintain the integrity of CTs rules and by-laws. 

The person appointed to this position should have either:

  1. a background in drafting regulations or rules; or
  2. the advice of a person with such experience. 


  1. To process changes to the rules and by-laws to meet the needs of CT.
  2. To bring to the attention of the Executive any aspects of the rules or by-laws which require amendment to recognise:
    • changes adopted by the ACA; or 
    • other legal issues. 



There may be separate State Handicappers for both Association Croquet and Golf Croquet.


The State Handicapper will undertake the duties of the State Handicapper as outlined in the ACA Handicapping Regulations. 



  1. This position may be filled by a person who is not a member of a member club. 
  2. The purpose is to develop and maintain the CT website for promotion of the objectives of CT and its member clubs.
  3. The person appointed to this position should have experience in website development. 


  1. To process changes to the CT website to reflect current information on CT and member clubs’ activities as submitted by the Secretary or directors or the delegated officers of member clubs.
  2. To document procedures for maintenance of the website and to provide training for appropriate updating by delegated positions within CT and its member clubs.
  3. To bring to the attention of the Executive significant aspects of website development, maintenance, use and promotion.



The primary role of the Director of Junior Croquet is to create a recruitment pathway or process which recruits younger players to the sport of croquet. This will involve creating relationships and pathways with the broad community to attract players and their families and transitioning players from local schools and junior sports clubs.


  1. Form relationships with the local schools and junior clubs (if relevant) with the goal of recruiting players to CT;
  2. Create and implement player recruitment strategies;
  3. Advertise and promote the playing opportunities of CT;
  4. Be the primary contact point of parents and junior players wishing to learn more about croquet and its playing options;
  5. Create marketing information which can be provided to clubs to assist in recruiting new players;
  6. Update CT website to reflect the latest recruitment information;
  7. Consider running come and try” or meet the coach” days inviting potential players to come and experience croquet;
  8. Co-ordinate any come and try” or meet the coach” days including coaches, participants, equipment and catering;
  9. Create and maintain a register of key relationships in junior recruitment (e.g., Sports Association of Independent Schools (SATIS), Department of Education Regional Sports Coordinators (3 regions), junior clubs, schools, etc); and
  10. If participating in the Sporting Schools program, the Director of Junior Croquet will be the primary co-ordinator.


  1. A good understanding of where CT recruits its junior players traditionally;
  2. Ability to form strong relationships with key stakeholders;
  3. Is well organised;
  4. Works well in a team environment;
  5. Is well informed of all CT activities;
  6. Can communicate effectively;
  7. Enjoys working with children; and
  8. Holds or is willing to apply for a current volunteer Working With Vulnerable People” (WWVP) check. 

Update History

Date Changes made
November 2013 Original publication
September 2022 Complete re-write
November 2022 Amendments to 13.2, 14.1, 16.2
March 2023 New 15.0 and renumbering

Tasmanian Croquet Venues

Copyright Croquet Tasmania 2025.