Sandy Bay Croquet Club - Crest

Sandy Bay Croquet Club




  1. By-laws

1.1 These By-laws are to be read in conjunction with the Club’s Constitution, and also as a stand-alone document.

1.2 These By-laws should be reviewed and updated whenever appropriate, including as soon as possible following the first committee meeting following the Annual General Meeting.

1.3 Members will be notified of any changes to the By-laws.

1.4 Copies of the By-laws and the Constitution are to be made available on the website and in the Clubhouse.

  1. Record keeping

2.1 Members and visitors are required to sign the Club attendance book when attending any normal SBCC activity.

2.2 Members who are doing voluntary work on the Club premises are required to sign the voluntary workers register.

2.3 The honorary secretary shall keep minutes, audited financial records, and all other materials deemed significant indefinitely; other financial records for five (5) years; and all other material for two (2) years.

2.4 The committee shall arrange for past records to be stored appropriately and be aware of the whereabouts and accessibility of all stored items.

2.5 The honorary secretary and treasurer shall collaborate to keep a Club register of members.

  1. Committee

3.1 The committee shall:

3.1.1 ensure that members are kept informed of Club matters through: a monthly communiqué following committee meetings; notification of upcoming events via e-mail, postal mail, noticeboards and the Club website.

3.1.2 approve and manage distribution of information on behalf of parties external to the Club;

3.1.3 maintain a Club website;

3.1.4 maintain Club noticeboards;

3.1.5 ensure the security and privacy of all members’ personal information;

3.1.6 ensure that any publication of member details has the approval of the member, notification of which is provided on the membership form.

3.1.7 ensure that all members and visitors are covered by insurance for public liability, and that the replacement costs of Club buildings and their contents are also covered by insurance; and

3.1.8 ensure that all committee members are insured for professional indemnity;

3.2 Committee members shall:

3.2.1 attend committee meetings and liaise with members, especially new members;

3.2.2 familiarise themselves with aspects of Club management pertinent to their area of responsibility; and

3.2.3 refer any queries to the appropriate committee or sub-committee person where necessary.

  1. Committee meetings

4.1 An agenda and any accompanying papers must be circulated to all committee members at least two (2) days prior to meetings.

4.2 Normally, committee meetings are held in camera except when the committee may, at its discretion:

4.2.1 invite Club members, who are not committee members, to attend for a prescribed period to provide advice about matters under consideration, and who shall have no voting rights; and

4.2.2 invite people, who are external to the Club to attend for a prescribed period to provide expert advice about matters under consideration, and who shall have no voting rights.

  1. Responsibilities of committee members

5.1 The president shall:

5.1.1 preside at all meetings of the Club;

5.1.2 present the annual report at the Annual General Meeting;

5.1.3 represent the Club on all relevant formal occasions;

5.1.4 attend such Club sub-committee meetings as required;

5.1.5 oversee and monitor Club risk and safety matters; and

5.1.6 be conversant with the Club Constitution and By-laws.

5.2 The vice-president shall:

5.2.1 act on behalf of the president with all powers of the president if for any reason the president is unable to attend to their responsibilities; and

5.2.2 assist the president with Club risk and safety matters.

5.3 The treasurer shall:

5.3.1 manage all financial matters for the Club in accordance with the Constitution rules 7 and 8;

5.3.2 if the Committee chooses to do so, arrange for the audit of Club accounts at the end of the financial year for presentation to the Club Annual General Meeting;

5.3.3 prepare budget estimates for the forthcoming financial year to be presented to the committee prior to the Annual General Meeting, including recommendations for Club subscription and entrance fee;

5.3.4 oversee Club insurance policies, lease and investments;

5.3.5 maintain the Club membership register in collaboration with the Secretary;

5.3.6 keep a record of keys distributed to members and try to ensure the return of same if required; and

5.3.7 present a monthly report to the committee.

5.4 The secretary shall:

5.4.1 attend committee meetings and record and circulate minutes to committee members;

5.4.2 deal with any correspondence as directed by the president and/or committee;

5.4.3 receive new membership applications, present to the committee for approval and notify the new member with the appropriate documents;

5.4.4 maintain the Club membership register in collaboration with the treasurer;

5.4.5 send out e-mail notices to members and ensure members without email are kept informed;

5.4.6 prepare agendas for meetings, in collaboration with the president;

5.4.7 keep Club honour boards current; and

5.4.8 act as public officer for the Club.

5.5 The games convenor shall:

5.5.1 form a sub-committee with members from each division (association and golf croquet);

5.5.2 arrange playing days and Club competitions, including a competition for each grade in each of association and golf croquet as well as memorial events as required; and lawns use and draws;

5.5.3 advise all members of such arrangements by all means available;

5.5.4 represent the Club at Croquet Tasmania Tournaments and Competitions sub-committee meetings, or appoint a delegate to do so;

5.5.5 be part of any management committee for such Croquet Australia events as may be held in Tasmania as required;

5.5.6 be responsible for all playing equipment and the mallet room, being mindful of safety issues pertinent to croquet equipment and storage; and

5.5.7 present a monthly report to the Club committee.

5.6 The house convenor shall:

5.6.1 where feasible, form a sub-committee with members;

5.6.2 maintain and purchase Club domestic supplies;

5.6.3 oversee any contractor appointed for cleaning of clubhouse, kitchen and toilets;

5.6.4 organise and purchase supplies for all catering for Croquet Tasmania and Club tournaments, competitions and social events;

5.6.5 convene a committee for catering for any Croquet Australia events in liaison with a Croquet Tasmania responsible person and other clubs;

5.6.6 oversee the organisation of social events, raffles and other fundraising events;

5.6.7 be responsible for member welfare;

5.6.8 be responsible for health and safety in the Clubhouse amenities areas, including up-to-date first aid kit and;

5.6.9 present a monthly report to the Club committee.

5.7 The coaching convenor shall:

5.7.1 where feasible, form a sub-committee with coaches;

5.7.2 provide coaching for members;

5.7.3 ensure new members are instructed in health and safety requirements pertinent to the playing of croquet;

5.7.4 liaise with Croquet Tasmania director of coaching as required; and

5.7.4 present a monthly report to the Club committee.

5.8 The lawns convenor shall:

5.8.1 where feasible, form a sub-committee with members;

5.8.2 discuss lawn maintenance with the greenkeeper and approve necessary work;

5.8.3 control automatic watering system and change settings as required by weather conditions;

5.8.4 check the control panel regularly to ensure settings are correct and appropriate;

5.8.5 arrange for hoop swinging, hoop setting and line maintenance as necessary;

5.8.6 discuss any necessary lawn closures with President, games convenor and coaching convenor;

5.8.7 ensure, in conjunction with the president, the contracts with the greenkeeper are kept up to date;

5.8.8 liaise with the garden coordinator particularly about irrigation of garden beds;

5.8.9 ensure that playing areas are safe for play; and

5.8.10 present a monthly report to the Club committee.

5.9 The promotions convenor shall:

5.9.1 where feasible, form a sub-committee with members;

5.9.2 arrange and coordinate Come and Try sessions in collaboration with the coaching convenor;

5.9.3 seek out opportunities to promote croquet by arranging sessions and courses, especially in conjunction with outside organisations such as COTA, U3A, schools the HCC and others, in collaboration with coaching convenor;

5.9.4 liaise with president and appropriate sub-committee convenors for use of Club when requested by outside social or other groups;

5.9.5 represent the Club in relation to Croquet Tasmania promotion matters;

5.9.6 provide promotional materials for prospective new members in Clubhouse; and

5.9.7 present a monthly report to the Club committee.

5.10 The Club website convenor shall:

5.10.1 where feasible, form a sub-committee with the secretary and members;

5.10.2 have oversight of the website content and its management;

5.10.3 ensure that all content is appropriate, relevant and current;

5.10.4 ensure that all regulations about members’ privacy are met;

5.10.5 liaise with the website host (currently Forte Web Design);

5.10.6 ensure that Club sponsors’ logos and links (if required) are current and active;

5.10.7 present a monthly report to the Club committee.

5.11 The maintenance convenor shall:

5.11.1 where feasible, form a sub-committee with members;

5.11.2 oversee provision and maintenance of buildings, sheds, gates and seats, machinery and equipment;

5.11.3 seek approval for any major maintenance from the committee prior to organising any such projects;

5.11.4 conduct regular health and safety checks for members regarding playing areas and their surrounds; and

5.11.5 present a monthly report to the Club committee.

  1. The Club handicap convenor shall


6.1 with the two other members of this committee elected at the Annual General Meeting check handicap cards at the start of the playing season and adjust handicaps as necessary; and

6.2 notify any handicap changes to the Croquet Tasmania handicapper as they arise, and any internal records as required in conjunction with the Club committee.

  1. The garden coordinator shall


7.1 oversee volunteer members, who keep areas presentable by weeding, trimming and pruning shrubs, fertilizing, replacing and adding plants where necessary;

7.2 organise working bees as appropriate;

7.3 arrange clearance of garden rubbish and

7.4 liaise with lawns convenor for any garden irrigation matters.

  1. Visitors

8.1 At the invitation of a member, a visitor may play on no more than six (6) occasions during any one Club financial year, provided such a visitor is a financial member of another affiliated club, has paid a green fee, and that Club members are not thus excluded from play.

8.1.1 The number of visits in rule 8.1 do not include those whilst a person is playing in a Croquet Tasmania or Croquet Australia sponsored competition or tournament.

8.1.2 The committee may vary the number of visits in 8.1 at its discretion on an individual basis. In particular, they may decide to allow a visitor access to a Taste of Croquet package.

8.2 Members may also invite a visitor, not necessarily a member of another club, on no more than six (6) occasions, provided a green fee has been paid and that Club members are not thus excluded from play.

8.3 Prospective members, who come to try croquet, perhaps as a guest of a member, will not be subject to a fee for their first visit. Subsequently, they may sign up for a Taste of Croquet for a period of one or three months, with the fees decided by the committee, allowing them to attend any social sessions, privately arranged play with members and coaching courses within that period.

8.4 All visitors, except competitors, must be signed in by a Club member.

8.5 All visitors must conduct themselves in a proper and reasonable manner and in accordance with the Club's Constitution and By-laws.

  1. Club uniform

9.1 The Club uniform is predominantly white with the club colour of red.

  1. Dress code

10.1 The Club uniform is encouraged for all Club competitions and when representing the Club.

10.2 When not wearing Club uniform, then apparel of neat and tidy appearance and appropriate to the playing of croquet, should be worn.

10.3 Flat-soled, enclosed, sports shoes should be worn when members or visitors are playing, for health and safety reasons as well as for lawn protection.

  1. Venue hire

11.1 The committee shall, at its discretion, approve use of the Club premises for events related to the playing of croquet.

11.2 The fees for Club premises hire by individuals, groups or organisations shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00) per person with a minimum charge of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150).

  1. Members’ suggestions

12.1 Members who wish to make substantive suggestions should email the Secretary, or complete the dedicated form and lodge it with the Secretary via the Suggestion Box before the end of a month.

12.2 The committee will consider such suggestions at its next monthly meeting.

12.3 The committee’s response shall be posted on the Club noticeboard until its following meeting.

  1. Joining process

13.1 Potential members may have one free Come and Try session.

13.2 If they are interested in continuing, they may take out a Taste of Croquet package - $20 per month (extendable up to three months), or a three month package for $50 - which will allow the candidate to attend as many social or other (e.g. coaching) sessions as they like during that time.

13.3 At any time during the Taste of Croquet period, the candidate can fill in a membership application, countersigned by two members they have played with. The Secretary will inform the membership of the application, which will be considered by the Committee via email after seven days.

  1. Categories of membership

    In addition to ordinary (full) members, the club shall have:

14.1 Concessional members whose time of play shall be defined by the Committee, but who shall have no voting rights;

14.1.1 Concessional membership is restricted to those who have previously been ordinary members of the club for a minimum of three years. The committee may by agreement, for extraordinary reasons, choose to waive this requirement in special cases.

14.1.2 The total number of concessional members at any time is not to exceed one quarter of the ordinary members of the club. If this number is reached or exceeded new nominees for concessional membership will have their names entered on a waiting list to be held by the Secretary. Their nomination will be considered when their name reaches the top of the waiting list and a vacancy occurs.

14.2 Student members for those who satisfy the committee that they are a bone fide full-time tertiary student, who shall have voting rights and such privileges as the Committee shall determine;

14.3 Social non-playing members whose privileges shall be defined by the Committee, but who shall have no voting rights;

14.4 Junior members for those who are attending primary or secondary school, and are 8 or more years old, whose privileges shall be defined by the Committee, but who shall have no voting rights;

14.5 A family membership consisting of one or two adult (ordinary) members and their dependent junior members, and attracting a discount on the total membership subscriptions to be decided by the Committee.

  1. Duty of care

15.1 All members have a duty of care to other members and visitors.

Tasmanian Croquet Venues

Copyright Croquet Tasmania 2024.