Sandy Bay Croquet Club - Crest

Sandy Bay Croquet Club

Online Forms
Sandy Bay Croquet Club uses a variety of online forms to speed up communication processes and other requests. 
Browse our forms below.
Contact Us
Venue Hire
New Member Application
Taste of Croquet

Contact Us Form

Use this form to leave us a message.  We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Sandy Bay Contact Us

Venue Hire

The Sandy Bay Croquet Club venue and grounds can be hired out.  The following conditions stand:

All players must wear enclosed soft soled flat shoes not only for your safety but to protect the lawns.

  • NO BARE FEET or heels of any kind.
  • No drinks or food is to be taken onto the lawns
  • SBCC will provide ‘Lend’ mallets and instruction on how to play.
  • SBCC asks that your guests behave in an appropriate manner and we reserve the right to ask you to leave the premises if behaviour is unacceptable.
  • SBCC reserves the right to charge an overtime fee of $150-00 per hour or part thereof.
  • There will be a cleaning cost of at minimum $350-00 if the club is left in an unsatisfactory condition
  • Recycling and rubbish bins are available
  • There is a BBQ for hire (+ cleaning fee) if you require it.
  • We cannot supply alcohol nor are you permitted to sell alcohol to your guests but you may serve your own alcohol.
  • SBCC Contacts:

    Arthur Lathouris 0408572511
    email: or
    Sandy Bay Venue Hire

    Your Details

    Your Cost

    Deposit: A non-refundable booking fee of $50 payable at time of booking.

    Cost of Hiring: $18 per person with a minimum cost of $180 for 2 hours.

    A club member will be in contact to confirm the total cost and arrange for payment of deposit.

    Sandy Bay New Member Application Form

    Please complete this form if you would like to apply for membership of the Club, and forward it to the Club Secretary:

    Supporting members

    Which Sandy Bay members support your application? Your supporters need to be club members who have played croquet with you.

    Your application will be considered by the Club's Committee, and you should be informed of the outcome soon. If you have not heard from the Secretary in a week, please contact the Secretary to inquire. 

    Membership subscriptions for the season are due on 1 August and payable by 31 August. The first year of membership is charged pro rata (plus, if applicable, the levies from Croquet Tasmania and the Australian Croquet Association). Following that, full member subscriptions will be requested from 1 August. Please do not pay anything until you have been informed your membership has been accepted: methods of payment will be communicated then.

    Further information required by the Club

    Emergency Contact Details

    The Club will need to know who to contact in the event of an accident or an emergency at the Club. The details will be kept in a file at the Clubhouse, and will only be used in an emergency. 


    Ability to play safely

    Information given here will remain confidential to the committee only

    Taste of Croquet

    The Taste of Croquet entitles you to attend any social play session, and any coaching session, for the period of time specified.

    At any time during the Taste of Croquet period, you can fill in a New Member Application Form. Confirming your election as a member of the club will take about a week. The membership subscription fee is currently $396, plus affiliation fees for Croquet Tasmania and the Australian Croquet Association (currently $67).

    If you need choose to make a bank transfer, please use these details below.

    Commonwealth Bank
    Account name: Sandy Bay Croquet Club Inc
    BSB: 067102
    Account No: 10027830

    (Please give your surname and ‘Taste’ in the description)

    Taste of Croquet packages have a maximum length of three months.

    If you want to keep playing after your Taste of Croquet package ends, you will need to join the club!

    Sandy Bay Taste of Croquet Package (presently on hold)

    Your Details

    Pack Details

    Payment Details


    Use this form to make suggestions.  We will get back to you as soon as possible.
    Sandy Bay Suggestions

    Pleased choose another form

    New Member Enrolment

    Membership subscriptions for the season are due on 1 August and payable by 31 August. Your first year of membership will be charged pro rata (plus the levies from Croquet Tasmania and the Australian Croquet Association). Following that, your full member subscriptions will be requested from 1 August.

    If paying by bank transfer (preferred), provide your name with the payment and transfer funds to

    Bank details:  

    Commonwealth Bank, Sandy Bay Branch, BSB 067102
    Account name:  Sandy Bay Croquet Club Inc
    Account No.:   10027830

    If paying by cheque or cash, enclose payment in an envelope and leave it for the Treasurer at the Club, or post it to

    The Treasurer
    Sandy Bay Croquet Club Inc.
    4 Long Point Road, Sandy Bay TAS 7005

    Receipt information for bank transfer payments is part of your account history. Paper receipts for cash and cheque payments will be available at the Club in the Receipt box).

    Sandy Bay New Experienced Member Enrolment

    Emergency Contact Details

    The Club needs to know who to contact in the event of an accident or an emergency at the Club.  The details will be kept in a file at the Clubhouse, and will only be used in an emergency.

    Tasmanian Croquet Venues

    Copyright Croquet Tasmania 2025.