Sandy Bay Croquet Club - Crest

Sandy Bay Croquet Club

Privacy policy

1. The Sandy Bay Croquet Club will collect only information about members that is essential for the running of the Club.

2. The Sandy Bay Croquet Club undertakes to keep all personal information of its members as secure as is practicable and to not disclose any personal information about members to any person or organisation except:

2.1 with the express permission of that member; or

2.2 to the appropriate authority in the case of an emergency when that member may be unable to give that permission.

3. Names of individual members will be provided only as required to Croquet Tasmania and/or Croquet Australia for:

 3.1 maintenance of a directory of affiliated individuals for purposes directly related to croquet.

 3.2 maintenance of records of accreditation of affiliated individuals who act as referees or officials requiring evidence of competency.

   3.3 the purposes of insurance of its affiliated members.

4. A member may request details of any information about themselves that is kept by the Sandy Bay Croquet Club.

5. The Sandy Bay Croquet Club undertakes, in the event of winding up of the Club, to destroy by appropriate means, the private emergency contact details relating to members.

6. The SBCC will comply with the Australian Privacy Principles.



7. At the time of payment of subscriptions members are requested to provide their following details:

7.1 Name.

 7.2 Postal address.

7.3 Email address.

 7.4 Phone numbers.

     7.5 Names and phone numbers of up to two contact persons in case of emergency.

     7.6 Permission to publish their photograph on the members’ section of the Club website.

     7.7 Permission to have their telephone number listed on a noticeboard in the Clubhouse.

8. A current list of members who have approved under 7.6 above to have their names and telephone numbers listed will be available in the Clubhouse.

9. The Treasurer and Secretary will be responsible for keeping a data-base of members’ current details as outlined in 7 and this will be available to committee members as appropriate to conduct the affairs of the Club.

Tasmanian Croquet Venues

Copyright Croquet Tasmania 2024.