July 2023

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Monthly Memo – Major points from the Committee Meeting 4th July

  • Membership Renewals – will be available late July in the clubrooms. As we have a few potential members on the waiting list it would be appreciated if you are considering not renewing your membership that you let us know as soon as possible so that we can welcome new members to the club.
  • Congratulations to 4 members of our Club who were selected in the Tasmanian Team to compete in Western Australia in September 2023.      Yvonne Shaw, Carol Hanigan, Jane Hyland and Graham Keating.

We wish them all the best for a fantastic competition.

  • Congratulations also to Kaye Denny who has qualified as a GC Croquet coach. Thanks to those members who came along as Kayes’ students.
  • Garden working Bee – all members are invited to come and help with garden maintenance and pruning etc. on 15th July from 9.30am, you can do as little or as much as you are capable of. Please bring your own tools clearly marked with your name. We look forward to a good roll up.
  • Annual Maintenance Day – 19th August from 9.30am with a supplied BBQ Lunch to follow. Each year before Opening Day we attempt all the little jobs that keep the clubrooms looking good. A list of jobs will be on the notice board for you to peruse and write your name beside your chosen job. These tasks can be completed on or before the 19th August.
  • Adopt a Shelter Shed – we are asking members to consider adopting a shelter shed for the year. This way they will be kept maintained all year. There will be a form on the notice board.  First in best dressed!
  • Annual Opening day - this year it is to be August 26th. Members are invited to arrive around 10.30am with the official running of the first hoop of the season at 11am. Followed by morning tea. If possible, could you all please bring a plate of delicious nibbles to grace our table.
  • Practice hoops will be set up on the lawn margins in order to save the lawn in front of the hoops. We would appreciate a few more members learning how to set hoops. Please talk to Tony.
  • Rules Session – Kaye is planning a rules session for early October. This is not just for pennant players but for all members.
  • Sponsorship – we are constantly looking at sponsorship for the Club, especially as it is becoming harder to run raffles etc. Donations and Bequests to the Club will of course be gratefully received. If you have a lead for a potential sponsor please let me know.

Full Minutes from Committee Meetings and Financial Reports are available for you to read.

Find them in a folder on the President’s Desk

Tasmanian Croquet Venues

Copyright Croquet Tasmania 2024.