November 2023

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Monthly Memo – Major points from the Committee Meeting 6th November 2023 

  • Welcome to our newest Member – Moya Fyfe. Make yourself know to Moya and welcome her to the club.
  • GC Spring Pennant –4 teams entered this year – all competing well at this stage 1st and 2nd spots in Div. C, 1stspot in Div. B and 2nd spot in Div. A Final games are on next week. Good luck Sandy Bay!
  • Christmas Hamper the club are asking for donations of non-perishable goods to build a fantastic hamper for our Christmas raffle. This is our only fundraiser for the year. Please place your donation into the basket in the clubrooms. If we get too many donations we have a lucky door at the Christmas Lunch.
  • SBCC Grants Officer – We have implemented a sub-committee under the Executive of the SBCC Committee to appoint a member to seek out and apply for grants for the Club. Leanne Adcock volunteered herself for this position and is already working hard investigating every avenue for grants.
  • Garden Working Bee – Saturday November 25th 10am. We need your help to trim the camellias and a few other tasks. Please bring your lopping tools, other cutters, and your strength! (a ute or trailer would be great to remove the garden waste). Please get in touch with Marg Jennings our garden co-ordinator
  • Covid – As you will be aware covid is still around. We ask that if you have been in contact with a covid positive person that you stay away from the club. Please show consideration for our older members.
  • Maintenance – we will advise when this working bee is to be held. If you don’t feel you can contribute manually to a working bee you could consider a cash/goods donation as some members have in the past. Please ask us for details of equipment/building supplies that are needed.
  • Outside Bookings – we have 3 outside bookings coming up in December – fabulous funds for the Club.
  • Coaching, Tim’s Tactics   - Tim will be running a workshop in January to help you improve your croquet for competition.
  • Hoop Setting Course – To be run in November/December. When we set the date it would be fantastic if a few more members learnt this task so that we can lighten the load of the few that are involved.
  • Wednesday Twilight – a great fun evening. A bit chilly at present but I’m sure things will warm up soon. 
  • Visitors to the Club – Please ensure that visitors sign into the club and pay the $5-00 lawn fee. They must not impede a member’s ability to play. We have extended an invite to other club members that when their club is being used for a Croquet Tas. event they are welcome to play at Sandy Bay. I’m sure the offer will be extended to us as well. Visitors are limited to 6 visits a year.
Garden Working Bee November 25th
Christmas Lunch December 13th
Maintenance working Bee TBA
Hoop Setting course TBA
Tim’s tactics Workshop – January TBA
Defibrillator  - how to use – demonstration by St Johns in February TBA

Please remember your Committee welcomes suggestions of a substantive nature and queries can be directed to the committee members at any time. We welcome your input and assistance in all club matters.                 


Tasmanian Croquet Venues

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