February 2021

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1) Visitors to the club Please note that it is a government requirement that all visitors to the club must leave their name and contact details (phone or email is sufficient). As we already have contact details for members and Taste of Croquet holders, they need only sign in as normal.

2) Assistance Pool We are grateful to all those members who have volunteered to be in the Assistance Pool. We are seeing the benefits, with the duties for Twilight Croquet and our outside hires being spread widely. If you wish to add you name to the list, please contact me.

3) Lawn use for Croquet Tasmania events As you are probably aware, we make our lawns available for Croquet Tasmania events from time to time. At present, the AC Summer Pennant is using two lawns on a few days. Coming up are the GC Open Singles (12-14 February) and the AC Divisional Singles (26-28 March). Thank you for your understanding when this impacts on social play. Thanks also to all those who volunteer to help out at such events.

4) Twilight Croquet is on again on Wednesday evenings until the end of February, from 5.30 to 7.30. It is great to see members and Taste of Croquet holders and some people from outside the club there. Consider coming with some of your friends to introduce them to the game.

5) Golf Croquet advanced coaching Two sessions with Ian Bassett before and after Christmas were well attended and warmly appreciated. Further sessions with top GC players are being planned, so watch out for them.

6) Greg Bury visit The January visit to Hobart by Greg Bury, head of the ACA’s Croquet Academy, was cancelled due to a Covid scare in Queensland. This has now been rescheduled for mid March, when Greg will run sessions for players and for coaches. If you were going to be involved, more details will soon be available on the courses and days. The club would dearly like to have more qualified coaches in GC and AC. Contact me if this interests you.

7) Future capital works We are looking at some more significant works to maintain and improve our facilities. The clubhouse roof needs attention, the shade cloth on the shelter between B and C lawns needs securing and the taps around the club are old and in poor condition. We plan to install a practice lawn near C lawn. We are exploring options for funding a new gate and path by the Sandown Avenue bend, and for renewing our court line markings.

8)  AGM The AGM has been scheduled for Saturday 8 May from 10.00 am. A new committee will be elected at the meeting, Please consider whether you might be interested in standing. If you want to know what’s involved talk to any committee member.

9) New members Vicky McDonald and Christine Higgins have been elected as new members. Welcome to the club! 

Tim Sprod, Secretary, Sandy Bay Croquet Club

Tasmanian Croquet Venues

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