April 2021

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1)  AGM The AGM will be held on Saturday 8 May from 10.00 am. Formal notice will be issued soon. All members are welcome to attend. Our new committee will be elected at the meeting. As Graham Keating will have completed four successful years as President and cannot stand again, we are looking for someone to take on this role. There will also be a vacancy on the committee. Suggestions as to who you think would be good in these roles are welcome - indeed, why not put yourself forward?

2) Signing in Our insurance requires that we keep records all who come to the club, so we require that you use our sign in book. Now, the government is making it mandatory to use the Check in TAS app on a smart phone from 1 May. They do not seem to have thought through that not everyone owns a suitable phone. If you do have such a phone, please use the app and sign the book. Otherwise, just sign the book as normal - but we do need everyone to use the book.

3) Try Association Croquet If you are a GC player, and are wondering about Association Croquet, we are interested in hearing from you. Given sufficient interest, we are exploring ways to introduce AC to GC players. Please contact me if you would like to be involved.

4) Social play times The Games subcommittee has drawn up a draft timetable for lawn allocation once we have all three courts in use again. The draft takes account of recent lawn usage and attempts to maximize everyone’s chances to play regularly. Since daylight saving has ended, afternoon play now starts at 1.00 (draw at 12.50). Lawns are available to all members before 10.00 and after 4.00, provided no special event is being held.

5) Perimeter lawn cutting The lawns around our courts need regular mowing. While Alan Smith maintains the courts themselves, we have a roster of volunteers for the perimeters. Injury concerns mean that we need several more members to join this roster, so the load does not fall on too few. Contact me if you could help out.

6) Club website The club has a section on the Croquet Tasmania website, which has recently been redesigned to be easier to use. Please check it out. A major addition has been a calendar to show lawn use. If you have any suggestions for further content, please contact me.

7) Club championships GC Club Championship winners and runners up. Division 1: Graham Keating from Yvonne Shaw. Division 2: Carol Hanigan from Chris Groves. Division 3: Shane Madden from Di Carington Smith. Rene Hortle: Vicky McDonald from Stuart Heathorn. AC Club Championships are now in progress.

8) Bob Bye’s memoirs Newly added to our library is a copy of Bob Bye’s just published memoirs. Fascinating reading!

Tim Sprod, Secretary, Sandy Bay Croquet Club

Tasmanian Croquet Venues

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