October 2021

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1) Maintenance Our club relies a great deal on the voluntary help of members. Soon, a list of essential maintenance jobs will appear on our noticeboard, with an opportunity for members to nominate a task they will undertake sometime over the summer. For more major jobs, we are looking to organizing a working bee. Thank you for your support!

2) Lawn work We thank all members for taking great care around the re-sown areas of our lawns. Unfortunately, this work will take a little longer than was anticipated. All being well, we will be back on full lawns sometime in mid to late November.  

3) Alternate stroke AC Doubles On Friday 22 October, we will devote the morning session to alternate stroke AC, where an experienced AC player will pair with an interested GC player to take alternate strokes in a game of AC. The aim is to mix a fun outing with an opportunity to learn more about AC, and to get to know members from the “other code”. If you are interested in participating, sign up on the noticeboard.

4) Dates for your diary: Don’t forget our Thank You Drinks event on Friday 29 October from 4.00. Members are asked to bring a plate, and drinks will be available for a gold coin donation. Plans are in hand for our Christmas Lunch on Thursday 9 December - we need to keep an eye on the Covid situation as we decide on details.

5) Raffle Soon, members will be encouraged to sell - and buy! - tickets for the raffle to be drawn at our Christmas lunch. A great collection of prizes have been donated for the raffle, and we thank all those businesses and individuals who have provided them.

6) Security at the club Members are reminded that the last person to leave the club must check that all doors and gates are properly locked. In particular, the clubroom door to the shaded area needs to be locked with a key (it does not lock automatically when closed) and we must check that the main clubroom door is not left on the snib.

7) Pennants The latest results available to me for the AC Spring pennant show the New Town/Sandy Bay combined Division A teams is undefeated, while the NT/SB Division B team is running second. We will be entering four teams in the GC Spring pennant: one each in Divisions 1 and 2, and two in Division 3. Good luck to all players!

8) New members We welcome Leeanne Adcock and Ben King to the club.

Tim Sprod, Secretary, Sandy Bay Croquet Club

Tasmanian Croquet Venues

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