November 2021

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1) Covid, vaccination and borders opening Given the age profile and health status of many of the members of our club, your Committee discussed the challenges we will face when the borders are opened on 15 December. It is the view of the Committee that all members and visitors attending the club after that date should be either double vaccinated, or have an official exemption. We intend this to be on an honesty basis. Before a final decision is made, the Committee welcomes input. Please send any comments to me.

2) Thank You Drinks Despite the dreadful weather, there was a gratifying turn out for this occasion. We thank all those members who braved the rain and wind, and brought such lovely food with them. 

3) Christmas Lunch will be held on Thursday 9 December, with catering by Pickled Pear. The cost is $50, all inclusive. You will receive an invitation soon. We ask you to RSVP by Friday 3 December on the list on the club noticeboard, and to pay by bank transfer if at all possible. We thanks Bayside Meats for donating a meat try as the lucky door prize, and the raffle will be drawn at the lunch. A working bee on Tuesday 7 December will make preparations for the event - more details to follow.

4) Maintenance: Thank you Brian Stafford - already hard at work improving our external paintwork. A list of jobs to complete over the summer is on the noticeboard - please look to see what you can undertake, then put your name down for it.   

5) Raffle A great collection of prizes have been donated for the raffle, and we thank all those businesses and individuals who have provided them. Don’t forget to get out there and sell some tickets - extra books available from Anni Morgan and Liz Madden. All books and money will need to be returned by Friday 3 December.

6) External hires At this time of year, we are often approached by outside organisations who wish to play croquet as part of a social event. Such hires both bring valuable income to the club and spread the joys of our game. While we try to schedule these outside of social play times, they will occasionally impinge. On Friday 26 November, AC will need to finish by 11.30 and GC wait until after 1.30. On Friday 3 December, there will be no GC social play in the afternoon. Apologies for the inconvenience (all hires appear on our online calendar and at the club - calendar in the kitchen, whiteboard outside). We will be asking members to volunteer to help out with events on 3, 4 and 10 December.

7) Twilight Croquet will run on Tuesday evenings from 18 January until 15 March - a great chance to encourage others to try croquet. Cost: $5.

8) GC social play We are reinstating the past practice of ringing a bell after an hour - all games to stop, unless the scores are equal (one more hoop played) or a secondary colours game needs up to 10 more minutes due to a late start.

9) New member We welcome David Budd to the club.

Tim Sprod, Secretary, Sandy Bay Croquet Club

Tasmanian Croquet Venues

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