December 2021

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1) Covid, vaccination and borders opening Please read carefully the email sent out concerning the Club’s reaction to the opening of the Tasmanian borders. We are relying on all members to be familiar with the conditions on the use of the club and to do their bit to keep us all as safe as possible.

2) Lawns Weather permitting, we anticipate that the lawns will all be returned to their full size before Christmas. Thank you to all members for your forbearance while this work was carried out. All lawns will be closed from Monday 10 January for a week to allow scarifying, coring, seeding and top dressing. We anticipate that our lawns will be in top notch condition when this is finished.

3) Christmas Lunch was a lovely affair, with weather to match. The turnout was excellent - the biggest in years. We thank Bayside Meats for donating a meat try which was the lucky door prize. Thanks also to all those who attended the working bee beforehand to prepare the Club for the event.

4) Maintenance: A reminder that we have a sign up list for jobs around the club. If you are daunted by a job, why not organize a small group to work on it together? The period when the lawns are closed in January would be a great time to do it.

5) The Raffle was a huge success, raising $1922 for the club. Many thanks to all those businesses and members who donated prizes and to Anni Morgan and her helpers for all the effort that went into running it.

6) Lawn damage We have been noticing small damaged areas on our lawns. Please, if you do inadvertently damage the lawn, take proper measures to rehabilitate the area. If you are not sure what to do, seek help from a more experienced player. Note that poorly executed jump shots are one cause of damage. Please do not attempt jump shots unless you have received coaching on how to play them correctly from a qualified coach or very experienced player, and have practiced them well away from critical areas of the lawn. We ask other members not to teach jump shots.

7) Twilight Croquet will run on Tuesday evenings from 18 January until 15 March, with a change from Tuesday 15 February to Wednesday 16 February because of an outside booking. As announced elsewhere, Twilight Croquet will be open only to fully vaccinated members of SBCC and other croquet clubs.  

8) Congratulations to member Callum Hyland, who recently won the NSW AC Open - a wonderful achievement indeed!

9) Visitor Carmel Davies (fully vaccinated!) from a club in Queensland will be visiting the club, most likely on Friday 31 December in the afternoon and the morning of Monday 3 January. Please make her welcome if you are playing then.

10) New member We welcome Tony van de Vusse to the club.

Tim Sprod, Secretary, Sandy Bay Croquet Club

Tasmanian Croquet Venues

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