April 2022

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1) Thank you to all who attended our Working bee. A great deal was achieved and all members can see the results around the club and gardens. We also thank those members who undertook other tasks around the club at other times. You won’t be able to see it easily, but our clubhouse roof has been repainted as well.   

2) The AGM is scheduled for Saturday 14 May, at 10 am. Soon, I will send out the formal notice of the meeting, including an invitation for members to move a motion for the AGM. If you are having any thoughts along these lines, please talk to me. We intend to recommend two changes to membership categories: the withdrawal of Novice membership, and the renaming of Associate membership to Concessional membership. The full wording of these motions will be circulated to members before the meeting.  We will also call for nominations for the Club’s Executive, Committee and Handicappers. We encourage members to think about whether they might stand for a position. If you are not sure what this entails, talk to any present committee members. The Treasurer will present the Club’s annual accounts, together with the Committee’s recommendation for the subscription for the 2022-23 season of $370.

3) A Forum will follow the AGM, where members may raise matters with the Committee that do not require a formal motion in the AGM. Again, if you are thinking of raising any matter but are not sure of the proper approach, talk to me.

4) The Croquet Tasmania Golf Croquet Women’s Championship will be held at the club at the end of the month. Our lawns will not be available to members between 12 noon on Thursday 28 April until Sunday 1 May.

5) Our Lawns continue to look better and better, with work continuing to control weeds. They will generally be mown on Mondays and Thursdays. Our new practice lawn will soon be ready for use. We remind members to take care of our lawns. If you inadvertently damage the lawn, please do fix it - ask for advice if you are not sure how. The longer damage is left in place, the harder it is to remediate it.

6) We have received an email advertising a Winter Holiday Croquet Tour in Southeast Queensland, starting in Mooloolaba on Tuesday 26 July and finishing on 4 August. It will mix sightseeing in the area with four opportunities to play Golf Croquet at a different club each time. The cost is $4100 pp twin share.  If you are interested in learning more, contact me for a copy of the brochure.

7) New members. We welcome Jill Holloway, Rod West and John Paton as new members of the club.


Tim Sprod, Secretary, Sandy Bay Croquet Club

Tasmanian Croquet Venues

Copyright Croquet Tasmania 2025.