June 2022

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1) Your new committee has had its first meeting. We are keen to involve as many members as possible in the running of the club, and a number of sub-committees have already been set up, with more to follow. Please think about which area of the club interests you most - Games, House, Lawns, Maintenance, Garden, Promotions, Coaching, Website - and approach the committee member responsible to volunteer your help - be it occasional and light, or more regularly. The more we have involved, the less each has to do! Of course, you can add your little bit across a number of areas too. A list of maintenance tasks is on the main Noticeboard. If you have the time and skill to complete any of them, please feel free. If you require equipment, talk to Garry Forward or Guna Ginneliya. And keep your eyes peeled for a Garden Working Bee in a few weeks’ time.

2) Yvonne Shaw, Carol Hanigan and Graham Keating have been selected in the Tasmanian ISS GC team. The last of the Club Championship events has been decided, with Ben King winning the GC Singles Handicap from Shane Madden. Congratulations to all these members on their significant achievements.

3) Please remember that, if you are the last to leave the club, it is imperative to check that all doors and gates are locked and equipment put away. Last Saturday morning, the kitchen door was wide open when a member arrived.

4) Dates for your diary. Our Glühwein Night is Thursday 21 July, Opening Day Saturday 27 August (with the Clean Up Day Saturday 13 August to prepare), Christmas lunch Wednesday 14 December. We also are planning a Quiz Night, and there will be the New Members Welcome in the New Year.

5) Our Lawns are now in fine condition, though we continue to find some damage in places. You will notice a fork in each ball box. If you inadvertently dent the lawn, please do carefully use the fork to lift the depressed area so it is level again. The longer damage is left in place, the harder it is to remediate it.

6) The popular Intraclub GC Pennant will start towards the end of June. This is a great opportunity, especially for newer members, to get some experience of competition in a low key way. Sign up on the sheet on the Games Noticeboard.

7) Kaye Denny will be running a GC coaching course of four weeks on Saturday mornings from 10-11 am, starting on 9 July and finishing on 30 July. If you are relatively new to the game, here’s your chance to sharpen your skills and tactics.

8) Your Committee has decided to cap the club’s membership at 105 as from the end of August. If at that time, there are already more than 105, new applicants will be placed on a wait list, until the numbers drop below that figure. This is to ensure all members have a reasonable chance of using our lawns.

9) New members. We welcome Robin Marshall, Elizabeth Gayton, Peter Gayton, Colette Gallacher, Ann Murray, Rebecca Watson-Vaughan and Kerry Boden as new members of the club.

Tim Sprod, Secretary, Sandy Bay Croquet Club

Tasmanian Croquet Venues

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