November 2022

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  1. Congratulations to our own Callum Hyland, who recently reached the Australian Croquet Association AC Open semi-finals, eventually finishing fourth. Excellent croquet, Callum!
  2. Christmas Lunch and raffle Thank you for the donations to the Christmas Raffle hamper. Tickets for the raffle will be available soon for you to sell. We are in the process of getting a quote from the Christmas Lunch caterers, after which we shall be able to tell you the cost. Keep Wednesday 14 December free! Entertainment will be provided by our own Jill Holloway and friends.
  3. AC Divisional Medals Jane Hyland won the Silver Medal, and Ben King the Bronze - congratulations to both! Thanks you to all those who helped out.
  4. Pennants: AC pennant is now completed.GC pennant started today, and runs for five weeks, with the possibility of two more weeks of finals.  Good luck to our two Division 1, one Division 2 and two Division 3 teams. The effects on social play are on our online lawn use calendar.
  5. Hoops We still intend to set up three positions for each hoop: two for social play, which can be rotated to prevent deep rabbit runs forming, and one for competitive play only. However, the removable plugs for unused holes are presently unavailable due to difficulties in sourcing materials, so it will be a little linger before this is fully in place.
  6. Outside Users: As Christmas approaches, we will have more groups booking our lawns for social croquet. We try to ensure this impacts social play as little as possible by encouraging bookings after 4pm, but occasionally this isn’t possible. We will be looking for assistance, so do volunteer occasionally to spread the load.
  7. Coaches/referees As you know, our club relies very heavily on members mucking in. Once you have become a reasonably experienced player, you should consider what you can put back into the game. We are always looking for members to become qualified as a coach - to assist newer members to learn the game, or even to coach at a higher level - and/or a referee - we need to be able to supply referees for pennants and competitions. This applies across both AC and GC. The knowledge you gather in becoming a coach and/or referee also has a big impact on your own ability to play croquet well and with enjoyment. If you are interested, talk to me, and look out for opportunities to qualify.

Tim Sprod, Secretary, Sandy Bay Croquet Club


Tasmanian Croquet Venues

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