February 2024

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FEBRUARY 2024 Monthly Memo

 Congratulations to Ben King who is the new Club Champion and runner up Graham Keating  

Congratulations to Guna Ginneliya C Division Champion and runners up Shane Madden and Summa McIntyre B Division Championship and the Rene Hortle will be held 23-25th February

  • Sunshiny Balls – you may have noticed that we are now using the new balls. A little bit different in colour!
  • Main Street Financial Solutions - A valued sponsor of SBCC will hold an information evening from 5pm February 13th – Drinks and nibbles supplied.
  • Lawn Contract with Renov8 –Hugh D worked very hard on our lawn maintenance contract and managed to get a contract that will stand us in good stead for the next 3 years.
  • Croquet Tas GC Men’s Open Singles 16th – 18th February – we are catering with nibbles etc. for this event and you would have seen the volunteer sheet for food donations and help on the days already.
  • Grants Officers – We are looking for a member/s to take on the task of researching all grants that are available. The committee receive many opportunities for grants, some not applicable to us, but we would like to have a member who may be familiar with the grant process or has the time to thoroughly search through the information provided. Please get in touch if you feel you could help your club out.



  • AC Gold Medal, ACA Men’s and Women’s AC Singles and the AC Interstate Event the Eire Cup will be held from 6th to 17th March  

As SBCC is the host club for an Australia wide event we will require lots of help to ensure that Sandy Bay is the talk of the nation! Carol Hanigan is working on the ‘House’ side of things and would love to have as many hands helping out – Carol will have a schedule out very soon.

There will also be help needed in hoop setting, leaf blowing, setting up etc. Please help out where you can when the schedule is emailed out.

  • Around the Club – A cleanup day (10am Saturday 2nd March) will enable us to make the club and gardens sparkle. The normal list of jobs will be up in the club but please feel free to wave your magic wand over anything you feel needs doing. You will receive a reminder email before the day.

 Michael B is working on updating our lawn flags, Rod C and Chris G have made circle barriers to cover the protruding bolts in the shelter shed. Great examples of noticing a job that needs doing and just getting on with it.  

 Hoop Setting – Tony VdeV is doing a great job in moving hoops. He is trying to keep the central area for the Eire Cup and the 2 side settings for pennant and social. Don’t forget to use a fork and repair any lawn damage you see.


Dates for you to diarise!

·         Clean Up Day - Saturday 2nd March 10am followed by a thank you BBQ

·         Late March GC Pennant starts – dates to be advised

·         GC Handicap Singles and AC Club Championships to be held in April

·         New Members Welcome evening - Wednesday 10th April 5pm

·         AGM - Saturday 18th May 10am

·         Outside booking 22nd March 6pm – can you help? Talk to Ann Murray

·         SBCC Bunnings BBQ - Saturday 7th December - looking to volunteers - talk to Marg Jennings or Ann Murray

Please remember your Committee welcomes suggestions of a substantive nature and queries can be directed to the committee members at any time. We welcome your input and assistance in all club matters.                                                                                                                    

Minutes from Committee Meetings and Financial Reports are available for you to read. Find them in a folder on the President’s Desk

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