June 2021

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1) Dates for your diary: our Annual Clean Up Day will be Saturday 14 August, preparing for our Opening Day on Saturday 28 August. We are also planning a Quiz Night in September. Don’t forget the New Member Welcome tomorrow at 5 pm!

2) Try Association Croquet If you are a GC player, and are wondering about Association Croquet, we are interested in hearing from you. Given sufficient interest, we are exploring ways to introduce AC to GC players. Please contact me if you would like to be involved.

3) GC Selector’s 8 event Our own Michael Bratt was runner up, pipped at the post by two net games. Congratulation, Michael!

4) Water leak on B lawn The cause was a broken pipe, which is being fixed. There are a couple of other problems with our irrigation system, which Alan Smith is sorting out.

5) Club championships AC Club Championship games have been completed since the last Memo. The winners and runners up are: Open - Graham Keating from Bob Bye. Division B: Hugh Denny from Charlie Davis. Division C: Hazel Maddox from Fritha Neilsen. Coralie Turner Memorial: Jane Hyland from Hazel Maddox.

6) Intraclub GC pennant will commence on Thursday 17 June, running for five weeks.

7) Grant We have been awarded a government grant to help us replace the old, deteriorating line markings, which now sit well below the court surface and require a lot of work to keep clear. A subcommittee of Garry Forward, Graham Keating and Brian Stafford is working with Alan Smith to finalise the details of how this will be achieved.

8) Rule books We have a club copy of the new AC Rules for members to consult, and a supply of the GC Rules for sale at $7.

9) Name badges We will be putting in an order for SBCC name badges soon. It is good for all members to have one, for events like the New Members Welcome or Opening Day, for when you help out with outside hires, for times when we join with other clubs (especially in competitions) and so on. Last time, they cost $15 (with a pin attachment) or $18 (magnet attachment). If you want one, let me know.

10) MCMF 19 Hoop Tournament at Kingston CC on 10 - 14 June. Go along and see some top class Golf Croquet!

11) New members We welcome Sue Johnson, Elizabeth Hickman and Rohini Gunadasa to the club.

Tim Sprod, Secretary, Sandy Bay Croquet Club

Tasmanian Croquet Venues

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