July 2021

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1) Dates for your diary: our Annual Clean Up Day will be Saturday 14 August, preparing for our Opening Day on Saturday 28 August, when the Lord Mayor will run the first hoop. If you have any suggestions for tasks for the Clean Up Day, please let Alicia Groves know before 30 July. We are also planning a Quiz Night, tentatively set for 17 September. Thanks, Cecelia!

2) Congratulations! to members Callum Hyland, who won the Plate event at the KCC MCMF 19 hoop tournament, and Yvonne Shaw, who has been named as Vice Captain of the Tasmanian Golf Croquet team to compete in the Interstate Shield in Launceston and Latrobe in early September.

3) New member Golf Croquet coaching will take place on the following Monday mornings from 10 am: 19 July, 9 August, 16 August, 23 August. All new(ish) members are welcome.

4) New lawn markings As you probably know, we have been awarded a Stronger Communities grant to help us replace the old, deteriorating line markings, which now sit well below the court surface and require a lot of work to keep clear. Alan Smith from Renov8 will carry out the work, probably starting in late August. It will involve pulling up the old markings, levelling out the ground around them beyond the present court boundaries, resowing it with grass and then painting lines on the new surface. For perhaps 6 - 8 weeks, we will need to play on slightly smaller courts and avoid damage to the new areas. The result will be better lawns for us all.

5) Garden trimming Jono Rayner will be at the club pruning our garden on Friday 9 July from 10.30, and possibly the next day if needed. Apologies if this is a little disruptive to play.

6) CT GC Mixed Doubles event will be held at our club from 16 - 18 July. All courts will be out of use for members from mid-day Thursday 15 to 5.00pm on Sunday 18 July. We apologise for this disruption to social play.

7) Games afternoon As you probably know, a keen group of members meet in the clubhouse on Monday afternoons to play Mah Jong (all welcome!). If you would be interested in attending another indoor games afternoon - perhaps on Thursdays - please contact Alicia Groves or me. Suggestions for what to play (500? Cribbage? Monopoly? Something else?) are also welcome.

8) Smoke detector from the kitchen has been relocated in the clubroom (thanks, Chris Groves), due to steam from the urn setting it off. Talking of which, please turn off the urn when it boils.

9) New members We welcome Sue Pastre and Neville Lester to the club.

10) Reminder! The government requires that (if at all possible) you use the Check-in-Tas app on arrival, and our insurers insist you sign in. Please do both!

Tim Sprod, Secretary, Sandy Bay Croquet Club

Tasmanian Croquet Venues

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