October Committee Memo

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1) Playing Days All sessions remain the same except on Thursdays. Thursday morning is now available to all full members, to play whatever version of croquet they choose. We encourage members to get a group together and use this time. Thursday afternoons will now be for members of the Golf Croquet pennant teams. During daylight saving, afternoon GC sessions will start at 1.30 (draw at 1.20). The time between 12.30 and 1.30 is available for individual practice.

2) Our raffle raised $1408 for the club. Huge congratulations to Anni Morgan, who did the lion’s share of the organizing, and all who helped her or sold tickets.

3) Christmas event Due to pandemic uncertainty, we have decided on a more informal - and flexible - event this year. We are planning a Christmas-themed afternoon of novelty croquet with an afternoon tea and/or drinks. We shall also celebrate 100 years of the club being on this site, and welcome all our new members. Put the date in your diary: Tuesday 8 December, from 1.30. More details will follow closer to the date.

4) The Social sub-committee organizes events like the Christmas one. If you are interested in contributing to the club by joining it, please talk to Anna Majdanska.

5) Outside events The School Holiday program (41 children), and the Seniors Week Come-and-Try (6 adults) were both successful. The U3A course (24 participants) is creating a good deal of excitement, and we have a Healthy Hobart Come-and-Try in November. Bookings are coming in for outside hires in the pre-Christmas period. Many thanks to those members who volunteer to make these outreach events so successful. All events should appear on the calendar in the kitchen - it is important if you are organizing an event to enter it there, so we do not have clashes.

6) Club Championships Covid developments allowing, we are aiming at holding the GC club championships between 20 January and 10 February, and the AC events in April, next year.

7) Pennants The GC pennant has started and will finish on Thursday 26 November. We thank you for your understanding when social play is affected by home games.

8) Opening Day was a great success, with the Lord Mayor running the first hoop to start the new season. If you would like to have a socially-distanced photo from the event, please contact Alicia Groves.

9) Defibrillator. It is important that members are familiar with this equipment, kept in the kitchen. There is a DVD in the box for members to learn - or refresh on - how to use it. Feel free to borrow it. If there is interest, we could hold a screening in the clubhouse - tell me if you would like to attend.

Tim Sprod, Secretary, Sandy Bay Croquet Club

Tasmanian Croquet Venues

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